First Rays of 2019

On the morning of January 1st, I was in Sanur for a little getaway on the beach. I remembered to have looked around me to notice that from an external point of view, nothing had changed. Again, the sun was there to bless us with its first rays.

Sunrise in Sanur, Bali


It reminded me that it is so easy

  • – to let the time passively pass by
  • – to continue our mechanical thinking and doing without questioning ourselves why we are doing what we are doing
  • to postpone until a better time since the present moment is already gone

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January 1st is one of those rare days in the year when time seems to stop a little. A day where “our autopilot”, our mechanical way too often to undertake our days takes a well-deserved break. The verb “To do” gives way to the verb “To be”.

We are both filled with nostalgia remembering the last months while dreaming about the future, curious to see how the new year will be. If you’re like me, maybe you watched a few astrological forecasts about 2019.


A new Year, a new notebook

The beginning of a year is often compared to a new notebook.

For me, a notebook offers such a beautiful space to give life to our dreams and to face our fears. Pages that we filled as a therapy in order to gain clarity and to simply let go.

I always have a notebook with me. I don’t insist on writing every day, but when I simply feel it. I write more in moments of indecision and doubts when I need to free myself from what weighs me down. Writing is a powerful therapy that I see as meditation; both bring us on a healing journey within.


The year in a keyword

For each new year, I like to choose a keyword as a theme.

In 2017, it was OPENINGS, especially professional openings. That year, I went to India to undertake my first training to teach meditation.

In 2018, my keyword was FLOWERING and this was the year when the seed of my dream of organizing meditation retreats flowered into reality.

In 2019 I chose EXPANSION. When I think of that word, I see wings. Stretch your wings and fly by trusting that faith is greater than fears of failure, lack of money and of the unknown.

To live in the LIGHTNESS of Being and to believe fully.  Again this year, I believe that I am guided and supported, like all of us, and that we can walk forward into the unknown safely.

What is your keyword for 2019?

2019 Numerology: a 3 Universal Year (2+0+1+9 = 12, 1+2= 3)


Loyal to my yearly habits, I consulted some familiar websites (Forever Conscious, Kari Samuels) to find out what are the energies of this year. Here’s an overview.

Kami Samuels did an interesting exercise by taking 3 keywords starting with the 3rd letter of the alphabet to illustrate the year. Her keywords inspired me the following.



This theme seems to be the core of 2019. We are encouraged to communicate what we have kept hidden inside of us for too long. We are pushed to take the spotlight, become known as an entrepreneur, to gain proper recognition at work. We will be inspired to communicate what we want, how we feel, and with authenticity. As a result, we will align our body, mind and soul to express our true Being and our true desires to the outside world.


Creativity (and joy)

It is when we are creative and when we share our creativity to the world that we find ourselves into a state of joy and lightness. It is when we act creatively that we leave our comfort zone and take into account the benefits.


Collaborations (and connections)

Strongly connected to the previous keyword, it is when we are getting out of our shell to unite our strengths and creativity with others with whom we feel good that we can find even more light and joy within us.

The last “3 Universal Year” occurred in 2010 and 2001. By trying to remember any specific events that happened during those two years can help you to identify any patterns or cycles in your life.


Tarot for 2019

To continue on the same theme, let’s look at the tarot cards for the year ahead.

Empress Tarot CardEMPERESS – #3 Major Arcana

  • Female energy
  • Intuition
  • Art of communication and good discernment
  • Encourages people to take control of their lives – to know where to go in life
  • New important beginnings
  • Creative energy to move towards the life path for which we are made

“The Empress signifies abundance. You are surrounded by life’s pleasures and luxuries and have everything you need to live a comfortable lifestyle. You are in a period of growth, in which all you have dreamed of is now coming to fruition. When the Empress appears in your Tarot readings, take a moment to reflect on the bounty that surrounds you and offer gratitude for all you have created so you can continue to build on this energy and create even more abundance in your life.”from Biddy Tarot, read the full text here


THE SUN #19 Major Arcana

The Sun Tarot Card

“The Sun represents success, radiance and abundance. The Sun gives you strength and tells you that no matter where you go or what you do, your positive and radiant energy will follow you and bring you happiness and joy. People are drawn to you because you can always see the bright side and bring such warmth into other people’s lives. This beautiful, warm energy is what will get you through the tough times and help you succeed. You are also in a position where you can share your highest qualities and achievements with others. Radiate who you are and what you stand for; shine your love on those you care about.” from Biddy Tarot, read the full text here


“We are all a ray of sunshine for someone, but we don’t always know it.”, The Little Prince


Moons and eclipses to start the year under very strong influences

Have you been stirred up by the strong lunar energies since the beginning of the year? We had a new moon solar eclipse (which goes with the Sun tarot card) in Capricorn on January 5th and on January 21st, we bathed under the influence of a super full moon lunar eclipse in lion!

Astrologers say that these strong lunar energies are here to set the tone for the coming year. 2019 is predicted to be a fast-moving year, a year of actions, movements, changes, and transformations.


And finally, my wishes for the new year!

What I want to wish you, to wish us, is to make time to listen and to trust our feelings. For that, we have to give ourselves some time, along with silence and patience. An introspection that I call evolutionary because after whispering a question within, the answer can be immediate, or it might need more silence, more time to be heard.

When sudden joy arises from an idea when the heart starts to beat a little bit faster in front of the option a) as opposed to b), look no further. The mind will take over, fears will come, but the Universe will conspire to put everything into place at the right moment to support you for your highest good.

“To get started, you only need answers to 5% of your questions, the remaining 95% come along the way. Those who want 100% answers before leaving remain at the same place.” (freely translated from French) Mike Horn


May this year be filled with expansion and lightness.
What are your dreams for this year?
What do you feel the urge to undertake in 2019?



Hari Om,

Happiness and Serenity,
